Allergies are by far the most common chronic diseases among children in the United States. Approximately 1 in 5 people in this country suffer from allergies.
What are allergies?
Allergies are reactions that are usually caused by an overactive immune system. Normally, it is the immune system that protects the body against disease by searching out and destroying foreign invaders, such as viruses and bacteria. When there is an allergic reaction, the immune system overreacts to a normally harmless substance, such as pollen or animal dander. Although allergies can develop at any age, they most commonly show up during childhood.
Symptoms Associated With Allergies
– Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth
o Red, teary, or itchy eyes
o Puffiness around the eyes
o Sneezing
o Runny nose
o Itchy nose, nose rubbing
o Postnasal drip
o Nasal swelling and congestion
o Itchy ear canals
o Itching of the mouth and throat
– Lungs
o Hacking dry cough or cough that produces clear mucus
o Wheezing (noisy breathing)
o Low exercise tolerance
o Shortness of breath
– Skin
o Eczema (patches of itchy, red skin rash)
o Hives (welts)
If you think your child may have allergies, please discuss it with your Children’s Medical Group physician at your next visit.
Source: CMG