Patient-Centered Medical Home

Let Us Be Your PCMH!

The Children’s Medical Group is certified as a Patient-Centered Medical Home!

What is a Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH)?

PCMH is a patient care model that places you and your child at the center of our care. In this model, we collaborate with a team of professionals to enhance your child’s physical, behavioral, and mental health. It represents the care we all want and deserve.

What does this mean for my family?

PCMH means that as a practice, we are focused on:

  • Providing patient and family centered care
  • Enhanced access (extended office hours, telemedicine, better access to physicians)
  • Team-based comprehensive and evidence-based care
  • Coordination between health care providers (including specialists, therapists, mental health counselors, etc)
  • A systems-based approach to quality and safety
  • We, as your pediatric team, knows your child and their individual needs, we listen to your concerns, and we work to create a trusting relationship.

Who is part of the medical home team?

  • You, your Child, their Caregivers
  • Medical Providers (MD, DO, PA, NP)- Primary and Specialists
  • Clinical Staff (RNs, LPNs, and MAs)
  • Medical Staff (Receptionists, Call Center Representatives, Medical Records Representative, Billing Representative and Office Staff)
  • Mental Health Counselors
  • Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists
  • Teachers and the Educational Support Team

The Children’s Medical Group promises to offer:

Partnership: providing family-centered care by developing a trusting partnership with families while respecting their diversity and recognizing that they are the constant in a child’s life.

Clarity: sharing clear and unbiased information with your family about your child’s medical care and management, and about the specialty and community services and organizations which they can access.

Primary Care: providing not only acute and chronic care, but also preventive services like breastfeeding promotion and management, immunizations, growth and developmental assessments, appropriate screenings, health care supervision and patient and parent counseling about health, nutrition, safety, parenting, and psychological issues.

Secondary Care: assurance that phone contact for acute illnesses/emergencies will be continuously available (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year).

Continuity: providing care over an extended period of time to ensure continuity.

Referrals: identify the need for consultation and appropriate referral to a pediatric sub specialist including behavioral health care providers.

Call Now to Let Us Be Your PCMH!