Dropping off your child at daycare can be challenging for everyone involved. You and your child may experience separation anxiety and that is normal, but it is important to find ways to overcome that anxiety. Here are some tips to make it easier for the both of you each morning.
Early Infancy
The truth is, at this stage daycare drop off is probably going to be harder on the parent than the baby. Usually, the infant can be anywhere from 0 to 7 months old and needs to be cared for and comforted, but it’s unlikely the baby will experience separation anxiety. The infant should transition quite easily to a daycare employee but the parent may be the one experiencing separation anxiety. Over time, you will find you become more comfortable with it.
Seven to Twelve Months
During this stage, your baby is anywhere from 7- to 12-months old. At this age it is normal for your baby to be weary of getting handed off to a stranger. Between the new environment and the new people, your baby may become reluctant to leave your arms. It is recommended that you do not begin childcare at this age when possible, but if you have to, slowly transition into it. To help the transition process, try creating a goodbye routine and keep it consistent from day to day.
One to Two Years Old
This age range is when your child is going to have the most difficulty being dropped off at daycare. Their separation anxiety peaks between the ages of one and two and they may kick and scream to prevent you from leaving. The toddler often thinks you will not return and will become upset when you walk away. It is important to reassure them that you will be back to get them and that everything is going to be okay. While you want to comfort them, it is important to stay firm when doing so. Once you leave the room, don’t come back in if they begin to cry.
Not every child is the same and some may experience separation anxiety at different ages. No matter their age, it is important to stay consistent and be specific, keep your promises and create short, fun goodbye routines.
Source: Healthy Children